Minimize Noise to maximize life
And Creativity
Coming soon!
Book Release in Spring 2025!
Think Fried Green Tomatoes meets The Notebook with a Forest Gump Episodic feel! More information will be released soon with cover and title details.
Release date coming soon for Spring 2025!
Coming soon!
Lifestyle Rewire.
I’m excited to have you here! My name is Tessa and even though I’m a fiction author, I’ve spent the last two decades building a business helping people understand their worth. Years ago, I knew I was drawn to the uniqueness in us all. It started as just teaching people about their bodies, but soon, it occurred to me, that my job wasn’t providing people their ideal figure, but changing their understanding of who they are. As a whole, we’ve lost a bit of ourselves, a lot of our connection, and a great deal of our creativity. We’ve never had so much mental health deterioration than today, but why?
I believe it is because the “noise” around us and within us is too big.
I’ve been working on a “Minimize The Noise” practice that is intended to leave you with a life capable of more success than you ever thought possible. Learn to get out of your own way. Trust me, I spent years building walls for myself to climb.
Coming in 2025 is a new project of mine. Let’s create a community where we learn to minimize the noise in order to maximize your life. From your body, to your home, to the people surrounding you, to your fight or flight, we will rewire what we need in order to be renewed.
You are meant for so much. Let’s do it together!
Fiction Books:
“Tessa’s books always make me feel that there’s not enough time in the day to get anything done because I need to devour EVERY. LAST. WORD.”
“I’ve never been able to put down any of Tessa’s books. Not Ever.”
“Her ability to help you find what’s standing in the way of your success is out of this world. I can’t recommend Tessa enough.”
Healthy Lifestyle:
“For years I struggled. Years. Tessa is intuitive, strategic, and empowering, so much so, that I’m free.”